Sausage and mash? Nope these are cookies.


The safety of our cast, crew, clients and contributors is our highest priority. In order to ensure the health and safety of our people since the pandemic we continue to assess the risks of COVID-19 during production with reference to government and industry guidance.

In order to reduce those risks identified, as far as reasonably practicable, we will implement a package of control measures that will be in place during all stages of our productions.

One our team would be more than happy to discuss any concerns relating to an upcoming brief you may have and how we’d help navigate a Covid safe production with you.

How we are keeping people safe.

We are focusing on the following areas to ensure we can manage the risks of infection from COVID-19, carrying out specific assessments where necessary.  

■ Location - considering the physical capacity of space used as well as ensuring the provision of adequate hygiene facilities.

■ Work Activities - considering the activities that people are going to need to undertake across roles in a production and if these can be adapted or changed to reduce risk.

■ Work Equipment - managing the sharing of work equipment which is key to production from cameras and headsets to edit suites. Focusing on good hygiene and managing potential issues with touch points.

■ Catering and Rest Areas - considerations for catering provision and planning breaks to ensure our people are as safe as possible.

■ First Aid and Emergency services - planning activities to reduce the risk of requiring emergency services to be called as well as advice to first aiders on COVID-19 risk.

■ Mental Health - the COVID-19 risk and the response has had a potential Mental Health impact for those working on productions which should be considered.

■ Monitoring - compliance will be monitored and if required people will be reminded of the new COVID-19 working practices.